Travelling advice from the experts at Xtreme Gap Year.

The one thing you can spend all your money on yet, become richer is travelling. Cliche? Maybe, true? We believe so.  If you are planning on travelling world, and you are looking for some expert first-hand advice, we have some great ideas and lots of experience in putting together amazing trips for people. One of the overwhelming factors facing you when you are planning on travelling is the great unknown, what will it be like who will you meet? What will you do? Exciting isn’t it. While some people are quite apprehensive, others cannot wait to experience the freedom and excitement of travelling. We live to create amazing travel experiences for our clients,and we aim to send people to all corners the Earth to do incredible things, things they cannot experience at home like adrenaline travel programmes or perhaps some of our dream qualifications.

Below you will find travelling advice on some of the more popular regions, but if you want to just chat with us and have specific questions you can always get in touch with us as we would be very happy to help.